Diaphragm Pumps for Liquid
Liquid diaphragm pumps are used where the requirements determine the
need for a totally sealed system and the ability to self-prime. A Boxer
liquid diaphragm pump additionally has the ability to transfer liquid,
air or a mixture of both. The technology is suited to systems requiring
both vacuum to 8m suction height and pressures to approximately 3 bar.
The smallest Boxer liquid diaphragm pump is the 16K with an open flow of
150ml/m. These pumps are targeted at applications such as industrial
ink jet printing or chemical analyser systems. Fine flow control via
motor speed as well as brushless commutation are often specified for
such applications. Moving through the range applications extend to
liquid dispensing and waste liquid transfer in larger analytical
applications. The 3MQ with a flow of 3.5 l/m is the largest liquid
diaphragm pump in the Boxer range. Liquid pumps are built on platforms
often additionally utilised as a gas diaphragm pump. With differing
requirements characteristics such as speed, stroke, valves, elastomer
choice and pulsation chambers are adapted to exactly match the media. To
complement the full range of liquid pumps Boxer additionally offers a
full range of peristaltic pumps.