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BLDC - without premium cost

BLDC - without premium cost


Brushless motors offer extremely long life by eliminating the wearing part - the brushes. The commutator which energises the coils sequentially via mechanical contact of the carbon brushes is replaced my electronics which senses the rotor position and provides the signals to the coils directly.

Traditionally brushless DC (BLDC) motors have come at a premium price. However as brushless technology advances the argument for these extra costs becomes less clear since the cost of electronics is comparable to the cost of a traditional mechanical commutator.

Boxer is the first diaphragm pump manufacturer to offer brushless motor driven pumps at the same cost as brushed motors. All 3K, 3MD and 3MQ liquid diaphragm pumps and 3K, 3KD, and 3KQ gas diaphragm pumps are now available with a new generation of BLDC motors at the same costs as the brushed motor equivalents.

Brushless motors do not only offer extremely long life, but also:
- speed control via an analogue 0 to 5 V (or 0 to 100% PWM) input
- speed feedback signal (1 pulse per revolution) output
- internal closed loop feedback to keep the RPM more stable / constant with varying load

Liquid diaphragm pumps generally run at a slower speed compared to gas diaphragm pumps (approx. 1500 rpm versus 3400 rpm). With our BLDC motor vendor, Boxer has developed the motors specifically to the required speed of the pumps rather than using the same motor for both. This means the slower motors maintain efficiency and the full 0 to 5V speed control is available.

The 24V versions have now been released with 12V versions to follow shortly. Additionally, for the first time we are offering 4 headed pumps (3MQ for liquid and 3KQ for gas) in BLDC format.

For ease of control, the speed input wire can be connected to +24V (or +12V) supply to run at full speed.

In summary:

3K3MD and 3MQ liquid diaphragm pump
- BLDC versions at same costs as brushed DC
- approx. 3400 rpm with speed control 0 to 5V
- speed feedback
- single, double and quad heads
- 24V released now with 12V to follow shortly

3K3KD and 3KQ gas diaphragm pump
- BLDC versions at same costs as brushed DC
- approx. 1500 rpm with speed control 0 to 5V
- speed feedback
- single, double and quad heads
- 24V released now with 12V to follow shortly